Sep 25, 2011

My last minutes at home..

The is the baby-things Luv need to grap when he get the call, it have move from here to the boot of the car.

Last night, just relaxing for the last time on my couch....Home alone.....

I am off to my twinnies and there tummy-aunty, I have miss them sooo much the last few days!!


  1. Liewe Cstelle,

    Opwindend! Je wenstweeling kom weldra, met die hulp van die heilige Skepper.

    Geduld en sterkte toegewenst: ook vir Suro-Sus!

    Je pruik (wig) staat jou wonderbaar!

    Baie kisses, heel liefdevol uit Vlaanderen,
    Je vriendin

  2. Good luck!!!

    I can't wait to see pictures and here their story

    Happy ICLW

  3. Can feel the excitement through your blog !! All the very best for this last stretch !!

  4. so bly jy kon 'n paar daggies by die huis om seker te maak als is reg...mmmm.... so opgewonde saam met julle... dit is net sooo amazing!!! Lin xx
