Nov 2, 2010

Nice to be back at home

So nice to back home again!!! So last night when we arrived home I was in my “house of pain”

After the ER, I was very tender inside and the long drive home didn’t make it better.( and roadwork’s just at a extra hour and a half) Today if feel a lot better, except for the “feeling of the flu-virus”

This IVF ,was for me like….”I-am-so-fed-up-of-going-through-this-shitty-stuff-of-no-control” So I just did, what I was told!! I did not think…..I did not feel….I did not talk…I was very emotional and I was trying just not to burst out, into tears every day. For me it feels like the end of the road!!! I was coping for 9 years but after this cycle I don’t want to cope any more…I want a real life.

What did we do to kill TIME!!!! We visit friends!!!! We have had lots of laughter (the next story happened to me and it cause lots of teasing…. We did a breast cancer walk, Sunday and in the goody bag there was a pack of “droe wors” that’s what I think it was!!! So I opened it and start eating, Suro-sus then start laughing…BECAUSE it was DOG FOOD!!!! I can only blame it on the hormones!!!!! The next morning Suro-sus tell her kids if you want to talk to Stel, you have to call her like a dog, Whoooff, because she just loves dog food!! Very funny!!!

We went to a few Markets… we have had such a nice time with Suro-sus kiddies. We just adore then!!! And I miss then so much!!! And it was so nice to spend time with them and treat then, they give us so much love!!

This morning I got a sms from the clinic with the fertility report. From the 11 follies, 10 were fine and the other one was immature. 5 fertilize!!! And it looks like the other will also fertilize???? ( I did not really understand the sms ), but I will know tomorrow for sure what cooking with my embies.

Its weird I just want to chill….and I believe everything will work out the way it will be.

Thanx a lot for everybody’s support!!! It means a lot!!! In my IF-WORLD support is what I need the most!!!!


  1. Liewe, liewe Cstelle,
    Welkom weer by die huis. Dit is sowaar belowend. God gee dat jou wens uiteindelik vervul word. Baaie, baaie liefde en kisses uit Vlaanderen van
    Jou vriendin

  2. 5 is al 'n baie mooi getal om mee te werk. Ons hou duimvas vir daai embies!

  3. Awesome news! Holding thumbs for those little embies and hoping they fertilise and grow grow grow! I'll be following your story and hoping for that long awaited BFP and successful pregnancy that you so very much deserve. Good luck with the wait on the fertility report - you have a good attitude about it... well done :-)

  4. Jammer om the hoor jy is seer! Dit is die nadeel van meer eiertjies, jy is meer ongemalik na ER, maar dis alles vir 'n goeie doel! Ek bid nog steeds vir gesonde babatjies vir julle!

  5. Julle dankie vir julle ondersteuning!!
