Nov 24, 2010

Most AMAZING confusing BETAS

Emotionally I am on “break-down edge”!!!! This is roller coasting confusing…

I am just trying to keep myself to cope. Tuesday was bad and I was preparing myself for the beta that’s going down to crash!!! Went to bed at 8 o’clock because I was just there…don’t want to think, don’t want to do anything ( 8 o’clock was the earliest bedtime in the last 20 years for me.)

This morning I was sitting in front of the lab, an hour before they open, because I want this over and done with. Went to the lab in a nearby town, because I want the beta within an hour!! When the nurse put my ID on the computer, she was saying whoww…wonder why????Yes because an Idiot can see what’s up!! And Yes I do feel like and “experimental rat” When I left the lab, I want to cry…and the only thing I can think of is as soon as possible you have to get your life back on track. That’s the only way I can cope, so I eat a Chocolate , decided to get on the treatmill when I arrived home and I will dye my hair Cherry red!!!

Text my friend at the lab at half pass 9 and to get my beta, please!!!
And by all odds went from 296 up to 510!!!! I was shock!!! Still is.
Looks like 2 start to grow but the one died, had it before. The blood is not fine but its better.

I will NOT do I Beta again, this is what I think now, but time will see. I ones did a beta till 65 000 and still lost the babies.

The doctor book a scan for the 6th December and then we will see what’s up inside.

I am taking it day by day!!! Never think is over till the fat lady sings…


  1. Beminde Cstelle♥,
    Ek voel met jou mee, ek is bly dat jy nie net dapper maar ook kranig is. Maak ons alsjeblief 'n foto met jou rooi geverfde haar en wees gerus' n "fat woman", volslank is levensgenot.
    Beste wense en baaie kisses,
    Je vriendin


  2. I'm so glad it's good news and that your beta is climbing. I can only imagine how emotionally draining and terrifying this must be for you. Hang in there and keep hoping that this is the pregnancy that will make it to the end and produce a beautiful bouncing baby :-) Please kup. Take care of yourself and take it easy xxx

  3. Waw Cstelle, How many embryos did you put in ? Could it be that one stopped growing and the other continued .... ? Whatever reason, I hope for your miracle !! Be strong and brave, once again !!

  4. Ai, wat 'm moeilike situasie en ek bid gereeld dat daar hoop is vir jou babatjie! Ek wil graag vir jou die link gee na 'n ander blog wat ek lees - - hierdie vrou het skokkende nuus gister gekry dat sy tog swanger is na haar IVF 'n maand gelede en dat die negatiewe bloed toets en die bloeiery tog in 'n swangerskap afgeloop het. Hulle is nog nie "out of the woods" nie - hulle moet nog 'n hartkloppie sien, maar sy is nog swanger met 'n beta van oor die 60000.
