Aug 1, 2012

 My PC was off for few days, but here I am.

The twins turned 10 months this past weekend and with every week that past they get smarter and sweeter by the day.

We have been away allot lately, it’s like the old old days , you just never pack away your weekend bags. I know its a lot of packing with babies, but the breaks from home are so super freaking nice. I don’t mind packing, only thing that change is in the past, I pack in an I pack the whole day ( we need to play in between and Nika and Wium are doing more unpacking than I can get the stuff in the bags)

I have minimized the packing to the limited stuff!. Not nice to look like a tour bus on vacations! Or hooking on 10 trailors...if that happen  I will stay at home . In one “BIG”bag I get their clothes, blankets, sleeping-mouses, diapers, wipes, bathing stuff, night lights and monitor. One bag for them !! that’s for packing , ne! And the 2 plastic bins for bottles, milk, food, dummies. Very organized I know.

I really don’t take everything they own and need, and you know what, they think its holiday time two. They love the different routine.

If the twins see I start to pack they go ballistic, and Wium start to move like a lizard on hot sand, he is so excited!. I think they know its new venues, people and places.

They love to explore and don’t leave a single thing. Not funny to find them in the wet shower just after I dress them. If they get a gap into the bathroom the fight to get into the scale, When they press on it, the digital letters appear and that’s fun for them. I told Nika there will be a time when a girl hates a scale, so don’t fight about it now, girly.

When we went for walk and I say the word “pram”....Nika move to the pram, she don’t want to be left behind and Wium move to the spare room , I need to catch him first, very funny little game.

 I got my family photos, will post it soon!! I just love them to bits.

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