What kept me going for
10 years??
What made me not going
cookoo’s ??
My dear
super cool husband !!!! and
My plan of
actions !!
And the last 2 weeks I am missing something......my plans !!
The plans were my route to the future. I am believing If you don’t
know where you going, then you not going, you stuck!! And plans don’t need to
be major stuff, it must just be, a plan.
Years ago even before TTC I had a bucket’s list and because I had it,
I belief, I have tick everything on it. And there was stuff on that list that was really,
just dreams.... but on very strange manners it, got tick!! With amazing
So when the list was tick I was beginning a yearly new one. SO the
beginning of the year I know what I wanted to achieve, then I did it and it got
tick. These things give me tremendous power!! It made me strong and made me
believe in myself. Because the route I was on , will break you down, O so low!!
It will take all your power.
So I have had 2 different lives, The fuck-up TTC life and a super powerful
fun life, full of adventures!!! And the fun life was my saving-grace!! That
kept me going!! It was my seeing-forward-to
The last 2 years is gone in a way and now my new parent life, the
normal life is here and to made this the best ride ever I want to have goals again!! I can tick off
the twins are on schedule they not behind, they can actually do stuff some
other their age babies cant do.
SO for myself I want goals again, things that made life normal so a
brand new list are about to get some ink on!! And I cant wait!
I you would believe the moment I was thinking of the list millions of
things jump into my head...