Nov 26, 2013

What a week!!! Last week I was in pain for 2 days  I could not stand, I could not lay, I could not think!

Thursday morning from 3 o’clock I was up walking around in the house due to this pain, I vomit and sweat.... but we have planned  a off day so I drink pain killers and off we went. I went for a haircut ( after months) and took some photos with the kids ( chaos, they did not want to leave their sleeping toys or their bottles!! And Nika just wanted to chill on a couch) and then we did shopping and took the kids for a swim getting home at 20h00.

The pain was back and so I drink pills again. Was up all night and Friday morning I was at a birthday party ( I felt like shit) went home phone the doctor.... Pain was getting worse so Luv fetches me and off we go to my doctor. I just through stuff in the car and there we go. I was so scared it was a cyst again..... Scans show nothing, thanx no theatres for me.  Look like it was my intestines or kidneys giving problems.

So with more painkillers we hit the shops and went to friends.  When we want to drive back( hour and half) at 20h00. The pain was back full force!! And now its this should we stay or go!!! We stay I was too scared to get home and need to drive all the way  back. Thanx to great friends!! It was not planned but we always enjoying seeing for dear friends. xxxx

With loads of pills I passed out in bed, waking with now pain the next morning what a relief!!! Something inside was back to normal again.

And then yesterday, Nika is cutting her last teeth, and she start to vomit!! And vomit!! And today she was feeling so weak, shame poor thing!! Hopefully we finish with all these, “sicky-noncense

                                        The beginning of the shoot
                                       Wium have had enough!

                                        .... and Nika hate photos!

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