Mar 29, 2011

I am detoxing

My sis is pregnant and I know it’s the only way we can ever have babies, but its hard for me  knowing that I will never be pregnant myself ( and that was one thing I would have LOVEEEEEEEEE!! I thing I was dreaming about since I was 10!) So I am now ending off all my  dreams and busy starting my new life.
Last week my body did take a lot of strain , but yesterday I have start with a detox-programe and to exercise ( I feel like an elephant that has been stuck in cement, but will take it step by step! really hope I can get this elephant moving in the following weeks) After all these hormonal-years  I have pick up 15 kg and I think NOW is the time to get rid of unwanted-baggage!! ( the weight did overstay their welcome, I think!)


  1. I can imagine how hard it is for you knowing that your sister is carrying your babies, and yet how happy you must be at the same time. I think a detox sounds like a brilliant plan to get your body ready for the arrival of your baby(ies). Best of luck, hope it brings you plenty of renewed energy and helps relieve the baggage.

    Can't wait to hear about your scan.

  2. I can empathise how difficult it must be for you and I'm sorry you will not experience the miracle of pregnancy..... Good luck with the new lifestyle, I did it not so long ago and I've lost 12kg and managed to keep it does wonders for your self esteem and general health and well being!

    Keep us posted on how your sis and baby/s are doing - so looking forward to updates xxx

  3. Liewe Cstelle,
    Stadig aan met jou program vir 'n nuwe lewenstyl. Oortollige vet weg, jazeker, maar dink daaraan: Volslank is ook mooi! Spijtig dat Suro-Sus nie wil dat haar voornaam bekend word. Ek bid dan vir julle saam. Die babaatje sal in sekere sin twee moeders het. Ook ek vra: publiseer 'n maksimum oor hierdie swangerskap.
    Baaie kisses. Liefdevol uit Vlaanderen,


  4. Thanx for the support!! Yes after all these years I have to get myself back again.... finding the old me, that have been pack away for so long!!

  5. i love detox programs. they really do you good both physically and mentally. i hope this is just the kick start you need.
