Apr 1, 2012

For the past feel like ages me and Luv went to the KKNK. It is a festival of art and drama and music. We did not miss it in all these years. We just love the shows.

....but this year we are missing it!!!! It has started yesterday. Its funny how everybody thinking its so funny for us not being there. One of my friends said that since she knew us we went every single year, and this is a first. But with 6 month twins its a bit hard!, but next year ...we will be back!! Twins and all.

Last year at the festival we were 6 weeks pregnant, just finding out its twins...and it was at the festival I felt sick!! I think my body was under tremendous stress!! Because all I could think of was ...PLEASE LET THIS BE IT.....PLEASE THAT THIS WILL BE ALIFE BABIES!!!

And I was sick the rest of the pregnancy...I was sick the whole of last year, it was sore throats a few time, coughing like a old donkey for months, stiff necks, flu, even my voice went on holiday for days. It was ridiculous how I just could not kick of all the sickness!!

And I was sick till the day the twins were born...and since that day not one thing hit me and I am as healthy as can be!! Just show you what an affect it have had on my body.

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