Jun 9, 2011

What to buy??

Lots of people are asking the following…If you don’t know if your babies are pinky’s or blues. What are you going to buy? Just go to the shops and look around.

When we got the first Beta’s, one of my dear friends was sooo excited she went and buys something for us. She told me the moment she saw the baby grow’s she just saw ME!!! And she was right, it is so ME! ( if you know me well , you will know I love it, the moment I saw it) and as you can see its not blue or pink, its green and red so boys or girls will like it.

I still have not done any baby shopping, but when we reach the 20 week mark, we will be out of our blocks, hitting the shops….so be aware!! If you see 2 confusing people that don’t have a clue what’s going on in baby-world….it will probably be me and Luv.

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