Nov 22, 2010

Bleeding Beta!!

Just got my Beta and from Friday it only increase from 260-296,( only with 37) so not nearly what it is suppose to be. Have to do a Beta on Wednesday again. I so fed-up for doing Beta’s.

This is the 8th(pregnant) time I am going through this whole ordeal, and at this time I know things are not the normal way, it’s the horrible way, like always. I am not NEGATIVE I am just realistic!

Hopefully Wednesday will give the answers… and then we need to do seriously decisions about the future…


  1. Seker Cstelle, wees realisties mar bly moedig. Gee jouself Woensdag nog 'n kans. Ek bid verder vir jou.
    Baaie kisses. Liefdevol,


  2. I am hoping all works out for you tomorrow. Fingers and toes crossed.
    Thinking of you loads

  3. Ons hou nogsteeds aan hoop en bid, moenie moed verloor nie!

  4. Ai, Cstelle. Ek verstaan - dinge lyk nie goed nie. Ek hoop egter dat 'n wonderwerk gebeur. Dat jy tog 'n gesonde babatjie kan kry uit hierdie swangerskap...

  5. Ach, Dear Cstelle, it does not sound good ... I am so sorry.
    I do still hope for a miracle in the form of a great beta increase on Wednesday or in the form of a baby in your arms, v. soon !!
    Keeping you in my thoughts and sending you strength.

  6. Sjoe Cstelle, ek weet nie hoe jou hart dit hou nie en waar jy die krag kry om ten spyte van alles aan te gaan nie.

    EK dink vreeslik baie aan jou.

    Ek hou styf duimvas daar is goeie nuus Woensdag, maar ek dink ek sou ook "realisties optimisties" probeer wees het.

